簡介:"Tell Me Lies" follows a tumultuous but intoxicating relationship as it unfolds over the course of 8 years. When Lucy Albright (Grace Van Patten) and Stephen DeMarco (Jackson White) meet at college, they are at that formative age when seemingly mundane choices lead the way to irrevocable consequences. Although their relationship begins like any typical campus romance, they quickly fall into an addictive entanglement that will permanently alter not only their lives, but the lives of everyone around them.
伊薩克·亨普斯特德-懷特 Isaac Hempstead-Wright,查里斯·丹斯 Charles Dance,John C. Bradley,羅恩·多納基 Ron Donachie,伊恩·麥克爾希尼 Ian McElhinney,肖恩·賓 Sean Bean,米歇爾·費爾利 Michelle Fairley,艾米莉亞·克拉克 Emilia Clarke,伊恩·格雷 Iain Glen,基特·哈